Terraview takes advantage of NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) to allow you to view and discover medium resolution satellite imagery that is updated frequently, similar to NASA Worldview. You can view imagery layers that are supported for the Mercator projection which are up-to-date to within three hours of observation from the A-Train satellites, such as Terra, Aqua, Aura, SMAP, and GCOM-W1.Terraview currently allows you to:• View overlay layers on top of base satellite image layers from global to region areas• Choose layers that are divided across categories and measurements• Read descriptions of layers while picking them• Keep track and manage displayed layers by swipe to clear, hiding, dragging to stack• Choose the date to view satellite imagery from a period of time• View colormaps of supported layers to understand what data the layers represent• Animate displayed layers over intervals of time and to loop
Terraview requires internet access but no other permissions such as GPS or storage! This application is also open-source on Github (see website at Developer section), feel free to submit issues or pull requests.